Motion 1 

Motion to Reorganize the UA GSB

Passed 2/12/22 - 52 Pro, 2 Con, 2 Abstain

cc Motion to Reorganize the UA GSB


Motion 1 

Motion to Approve the World Service Conference Charter of Underearners Anonymous

(References UA bylaws which were only approved privately by the GSB in 2016, and not the World Service conference as a whole )

PASSED 11/7/21  PRO = 34, CON = 0 ABSTAIN = 3

WSC Charter Passed November 2021

Motion 2

2. Motion to Establish the WSC Convocation Chair and Vice-Chair Selection Guidelines. 

PASSED 11/5/21

Convocation Copy of 1. Motion to Establish the WSC Convocation Chair and Vice-Chair Selection Guidelines v 2 (10-24-21)

Motion 3

3. Motion to Establish Requirements and Guidelines to Register a UA Group. 

Copy of 5. Motion to Establish Requirements and Guidelines to Register a UA Group v 10-24-21

Motion 4

4. Motion to Establish Guidelines for GSB Trustee Elections from the UA WSC Floor 

PASSED 11/13/21

C.C of Motion to Establish Guidelines for GSB Trustee Elections from the UA WSC Floor

Motion 5

5. Motion to Elect Four “Class A” Trustees and Two to Four “Class B” Trustees and Seek Mediation with the Current GSB.

PASSED 11/13/21

C.C of Motion to Elect Trustees From the Floor and Mediate with the GSB

Amendment to Motion 5

5. Amendment to Motion to Elect Four “Class A” Trustees and Two to Four “Class B Trustees” and seek mediation with the current GSB

PASSED 11/13/21

C.C of Amendment to Motion to Elect Trustees From the Floor and Mediate with the GSB

Motion 6

4. Motion to Approve Suggested Duties and Qualifications of the UA GSRs. 

PASSED 11/13/21

Copy of 3. Motion to Approve Suggested Duties and Qualifications of the UA GSRs v 10-24-21

Motion 5

5. Motion to Withdraw Motion to Approve Suggested Duties and Qualifications of the UA GSRs. 

PASSED 11/5/21

C.C 2. Motion to Withdraw Motion to Approve Suggested Duties and Qualifications of the UA GSRs, as presented and discussed at the WSC 2020 v 10-24-21


Motion 1


Motion to Amend Motion to Establish the Role and Guidelines of the GSR Committee 10-17-20.pdf

Motion 2

Presented - time ran out for vote

Motion to Approve Suggested Duties and Qualifications of the UA GSRs v. 10-17-20.pdf

Motion 3

(no time to present)

Motion to Establish Guidelines to Register a UA Group v 10-17-20.pdf