Voting & Procedural Guidelines
Voting and Procedural Guidelines
Voting and Procedural Guidelines
Here are basic voting procedures in UA:
Here are basic voting procedures in UA:
- Motion is Presented
- Motion is Seconded
- Motion is Discussed (2 min ea person)
- Clarifying Questions = 5 @ 2 min ea [10 min total]
- Pro and Con Statements (alternating) [20 min total]
- Pros = 5 @ 2 min ea
- Cons = 5 @ 2 min ea
- Amendments (must be seconded if not friendly)
- Follows above procedures
- Voting = 7 min
- Minority Opinion (if raised)
- Would this change majority member's vote
- Motion to reconsider vote (must be seconded)
- Motion Passes or Fails based on results