Conference Information
UA World Service Conference 2024 on Zoom
Peace Prosperity and Unity
through the Traditions and Concepts
October 26, 27 & November 2, 3
Registration $50.00 for GSRs / $25.00 for Members-at-large
Registration is open below
The Purpose of the World Service Conference
The UA World Service Conference (WSC) is our Fellowship’s annual business meeting.
UA GSRs and Trustees vote on important issues affecting UA as a whole.
There are also prosperous recovery workshops, a possible art show and talent share.
Who Attends
General Service Representatives and Alternates (GSRs) from groups and intergroups – (VOTING)
WSC-Elected Trustees – (VOTING)
Fellowship members-at-large – (NON-VOTING)
Who Pays
For most GSRs, their group pays their expenses.
Scholarships are also available for GSRs whose groups do not have sufficient funds.
Why would your group want to send a GSR to the Conference?
Your group will have direct involvement in the international growth of UA, and have a voice in important decisions, contributing to the strength of the upside-down triangle service structure of our fellowship.
The suggested duties and qualifications for GSRs
Here is a link to the suggested duties and qualifications for UA GSRs. Each group is autonomous and may vote on its own guidelines.
GSRs serve on a committee while at the WSC and attend the Convocation sessions. During the year they attend monthly GSR Committee Zoom meetings, WSC-Elected Trustees Zoom meetings and report to their home group business meetings.
What your group can do now
At your next business meeting, discuss and vote on creating the GSR service position and elect a GSR, if your group has not already done so.
Vote to allocate funds now for your GSR to attend the WSC 2024.
Email questions and requests for a member of the host UA WSC-Approved Planning Committee to attend your meeting at