Service Opportunities

All times are Eastern US (ET)  Find your local time using

Please note that the time will change in the US between the third and 4th day of the Conference (November 2 and November 3)

"Giving Service is vital to our recovery.  It is through service to others, and to the Fellowship, that we keep what has been so generously given to us."

--Tools of Underearners Anonymous

World Service Conference 2024 is just around the corner.  We are seeking members who would be willing to do service in tech, translation, communication, hosting and other capacities for the conference.

If you or any members of your local meetings are willing and able to do service, please direct them to complete the form below.

Please be sure to indicate on the form what role, day, event, and hour of time you are available to do service.

If you are in in European  and farther east time zones and would like to schedule and host a morning pre-conference fellowship room (meditation, karaoke, stretching, chatting... are some examples), we welcome you to reach out to the WSCPC and propose a room.  Same for farther west for end of day fellowship space.

Please see the below  current service opportunities available.

Members completing agreed upon service opportunities get to attend the conference for free.

For any additional questions, please e-mail the  World Service Conference Planning Committee:

Service Positions available:

(please read the descriptions below and then fill out the form at the bottom of the page)

Zoom Host



Below are the time frames needed.  When filling out the form, include what hours you are available.

Dates and Times Needed:

7AM - 4PM Easter US Time (UTC-5) on WSC scheduled dates Exact times TBD

Break Room Host


Hold space for members and welcome them to the break room.

Host Types:

Dates and Times Needed:

small blocks between 9AM - 3PM Eastern US Time (UTC-5) on WSC scheduled dates  Exact times TBD


Fellowship Event Host


Welcome members into the event room

Must be able to communicate via chat.

Be willing and able to learn how to use zoom

Dates/ Times Needed:

Exact times TBD



Keep time for Convocation (Business) Sessions and/or, Workshop and Recovery sessions.


For the 2024 WSC, we are offering workshops.

These events will occur throughout the day before and after the business sessions of the conference.

Service positions needed for Workshops:

Workshop Facilitators

Duties:  Read the script for the workshop / meeting.  Introduce speakers.  Call on people to share.

Ideally, NOT a GSR, but not essential.


Duties:  With training, simultaneously translate from English to another language or from that language to English during Convocation (conference business) sessions and during workshops.
